MetricKnn API
Fast Similarity Search using the Metric Space Approach
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CDatasetRepresents a set of objects of any type
 CDatasetConcatenateA dataset returned by DatasetLoader::Concatenate
 CDatasetCustomAbstract class that must be inherited to define a custom dataset
 CDatasetLoaderDifferent Loaders
 CDatasetMultiObjectA dataset returned by DatasetLoader::MultiObject
 CDatatypeStatic methods for datatype constants
 CDistanceThe Distance is the object with the definition of the method for comparing objects
 CDistanceCustomFactoryAbstract class that must be inherited to define a custom distance
 CDistanceCustomInstanceAbstract class that must be inherited to define a custom distance
 CDistanceEvalThis class computes the distance between two objects from a given Domain
 CDistanceParamsStores parameters in an internal map, which associates a names with its value
 CDomainA domain represents the type of object that are contained in a dataset
 CIndexA Index represents the index structure
 CIndexParamsStores parameters in an internal map, which associates a names with its value
 CPredefDistanceMetricKnn provides a set of pre-defined distances
 CPredefIndexMetricKnn provides a set of pre-defined indexes
 CPrinterThe object printer converts an object from a given domain to its string representation
 CResolverA Resolver represents the parameters of a similarity search
 CResolverParamsStores parameters in an internal map, which associates a names with its value
 CResultThe result of a search for a set of queries
 CResultQueryThe result of a single query
 CMknnDatatypeRepresents a constant for a datatype, like integer 8bits, float 32 bits, etc
 CMknnGeneralDomainRepresents a broad type of objects, like strings, vectors, etc
 CMknnResultQueryThe result of a single query
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